Wednesday, November 17, 2010

night on the blvd.

when everything becomes so close in color,
and the fall leaves seem to be lit with an entirely different light.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

more additions to the family project

uncle gary.
aunt darby.
i think i'll have to re-shoot these two, or work on some creative printing to bring out their faces.

the new mamiya and the old twin lens

a shot of my uncle tommy herman's old farm house, on my old twin lens medium format
my roommate nicky in the apple orchard, on my new mamiya medium format.
if only there wasn't something wrong with my film on this one.
i really love medium format photography, the detail it gives, and the first contact sheets back form my mamiya make me super excited. i can see many great photos coming out of that giant old camera.

Friday, November 5, 2010

recent polaroids

the perfect sunlight reflection downtown, early in the morning.
olivier's glamour shot.
the bright beautiful sunshine of duluth in november.
my mom. when my dad saw this, he said it looked like my mom 20 yrs ago.