Thursday, December 30, 2010

home again, home again

the very tip of the iceberg on my trip photos.
i brought my digital with me, but also lugged around my polaroid land camera.
still processing the whole trip in my head, what an amazing and daze inducing two weeks.
filled with fun, family, adventure (in the good and bad sense), and sadness.
as i sort thru my photos and my thoughts i'll share them here.
a back street in rome.
the great pyramids at giza, sunset.

Monday, December 13, 2010

getting all arty with the land camera

the beautiful chocolate tone polaroid. i don't think i could love a film more.

an accidental double exposure. i should have know that i could do this with my camera, but i just never thought of it. now i will purposely do this. can't wait to play!

its been so long!!!

some how november just skipped right past me and all of a sudden its the middle of december.
here are some of my favorites from my all polaroid thanksgiving.
i got a flash for my sx-70 and had so much fun taking nighttime, inside pictures.
i'm sure all the people i blinded were less then thrilled. holy bright light.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

night on the blvd.

when everything becomes so close in color,
and the fall leaves seem to be lit with an entirely different light.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

more additions to the family project

uncle gary.
aunt darby.
i think i'll have to re-shoot these two, or work on some creative printing to bring out their faces.

the new mamiya and the old twin lens

a shot of my uncle tommy herman's old farm house, on my old twin lens medium format
my roommate nicky in the apple orchard, on my new mamiya medium format.
if only there wasn't something wrong with my film on this one.
i really love medium format photography, the detail it gives, and the first contact sheets back form my mamiya make me super excited. i can see many great photos coming out of that giant old camera.

Friday, November 5, 2010

recent polaroids

the perfect sunlight reflection downtown, early in the morning.
olivier's glamour shot.
the bright beautiful sunshine of duluth in november.
my mom. when my dad saw this, he said it looked like my mom 20 yrs ago.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

beautiful bride

the wonderful justine.
she and will were nice enough to let me take photos at their wedding.
such a happy, lucky couple.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

hello pretty pumpkin

ready for your close-up?
this squash is the most beautiful gray green color.
i like it more then plain ol' orange

Sunday, October 10, 2010

recent polaroids

tim under water
i love that this view in many ways looks like it did 70 yrs ago
mike got ice cream, 'cause he ran a marathon
took this picture thinking it was color film and then being so glad it was the silver shade, somethings just look better in black and white

Sunday, October 3, 2010

the lovely melissa

again, thank goodness for patient friends.
melissa is a lovely photographer who was nice enough to stand and be the model for both her boyfriend and i.
the orchards were the perfect setting for her.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

my new baby

i finally replaced my medium format film camera.
and in the process upgraded a little.
i just finished the 1st roll of color and loaded a roll of black and white.
tomorrow to the orchards.
and hopefully sometime soon, all these rolls of film will go to the developer.
i can't wait to see the results.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


ok, so maybe this is another advantage to late night at the opera.
i have always loved that we have a river running thru downtown chicago, the view from the brown line as you cross the river is one of my favorite chicago moments.
and to see it at night is especially lovely.

Friday, September 17, 2010

the last bit of light

i arrived home just in time to sit in this perfect puddle of light.
fall brings some of my favorite light, cool weather, and the most beautiful, crisp smell in the air.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010


a train track that ended as the entrance to an office building.
and the one lonely car, prettily parked just above the roadway.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

obsessed with the sky

the sky has been spectacular this summer.
maybe it's always this amazing, and i'm just noticing it a lot lately.
but some of my most peaceful moments this summer have been sitting in my backyard watching the sky change as the sun sets.
so beautiful.
so breathtakingly astounding.
it makes me feel lucky to get to experience it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


moving makes andrew a very tired boy or slightly dead looking.
day before the first day of school.
katie's new house. this is what happens when the film doesn't go straight into a dark box.

one of my favorite impossible project dark slides. and while i was in the woods all weekend, i didn't get to see if this was even possible.